Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I want to write about timing. I get up witth lotts of enrgy and enthusiasm for the day but find approx 6 hrs from arising Im resting because Im running out of energy. A sign that I better sit is I walk poorly and have to really think bout moving. So I slowly recover from about 3 pm on till about 7 or 8 pm. Here's what a day is like..And I alwayss pick 3 tasks to do in my mind the night before. I find looking forward to an activity is rewarding.

Up at 8 - 9 am
15 -20 mins yoga
8 or 9 am to 2 - 3 pm kitchen chores,breakfst,office,other tasks,shower and anything else before I start fading.
2 or 3 till 4 or 5 pm I meditate, listen to classical music, read, do soduko oor chrochet. Mostly I just sit and breathe..
Dinner is between 5 and 6 or and breath right after..
7-8 Im doing elliptical machine and bike, tthen aa short 10--15 min dog stroll....
8-9 or so its tv time or reading or music listening.
11- 12 its bed prep, light yoga etc

Timing is everything

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