Thursday, November 19, 2009

Recovery ?

Like I said, Ive been 6 0r 7 yrs with PD symptoms aaand almost 5 yrs since diagnosed. I was thinking this morning that the very first symptom was irregularity followed by loss of smell and the micrographia ( writing small ). The smell came baack about 6 months ago, the micrographia is gone ( I still write slowly and unsmoothly cause of tremor ) and the irregularity is almost gone. Recovery is damn slow if this is what it is. Is it changed thought forms ? Is it the rehydration Aquaas formulas?? Does a problem like PD run its course for some but not others, like aa cold or flu? When I first devloped freezing, 2 yrs ago, it greattly hampered mobility flow in the hoouse but strangely enough not outside. I told myself I would probably take 2 yrs to figure out a strategy, and Im still working on it. It is complicated by baalance and this sstooped posture which Im always correcting. Will these 3 newer symptoms run their courses too? The first 3 symptoms gone away give hope.

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