Saturday, November 21, 2009

Green Tea ( Matcha ) and Parkinsons

I love Matcha pwdered green tea 2 to 3 times a day. This attached website mentions neuroprotective qualities regarding PD. I buy it online or at Japaanese markets. The best is grown in the Kyoto Ugi Region..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Recovery ?

Like I said, Ive been 6 0r 7 yrs with PD symptoms aaand almost 5 yrs since diagnosed. I was thinking this morning that the very first symptom was irregularity followed by loss of smell and the micrographia ( writing small ). The smell came baack about 6 months ago, the micrographia is gone ( I still write slowly and unsmoothly cause of tremor ) and the irregularity is almost gone. Recovery is damn slow if this is what it is. Is it changed thought forms ? Is it the rehydration Aquaas formulas?? Does a problem like PD run its course for some but not others, like aa cold or flu? When I first devloped freezing, 2 yrs ago, it greattly hampered mobility flow in the hoouse but strangely enough not outside. I told myself I would probably take 2 yrs to figure out a strategy, and Im still working on it. It is complicated by baalance and this sstooped posture which Im always correcting. Will these 3 newer symptoms run their courses too? The first 3 symptoms gone away give hope.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I want to write about timing. I get up witth lotts of enrgy and enthusiasm for the day but find approx 6 hrs from arising Im resting because Im running out of energy. A sign that I better sit is I walk poorly and have to really think bout moving. So I slowly recover from about 3 pm on till about 7 or 8 pm. Here's what a day is like..And I alwayss pick 3 tasks to do in my mind the night before. I find looking forward to an activity is rewarding.

Up at 8 - 9 am
15 -20 mins yoga
8 or 9 am to 2 - 3 pm kitchen chores,breakfst,office,other tasks,shower and anything else before I start fading.
2 or 3 till 4 or 5 pm I meditate, listen to classical music, read, do soduko oor chrochet. Mostly I just sit and breathe..
Dinner is between 5 and 6 or and breath right after..
7-8 Im doing elliptical machine and bike, tthen aa short 10--15 min dog stroll....
8-9 or so its tv time or reading or music listening.
11- 12 its bed prep, light yoga etc

Timing is everything

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Progress With Parkinsons Update

Where do I begin..It's almost been 5 yrs since diagnosis. I'm still not on drugs but have an appointmennt Dec. 3 with a new neurologist to begin drugs. It's time. My regimine right now is stress management, diet and exercise. I still drive, fix meals, do chores. But all physical movement as was before is slow now. I'm not on auto pilot any longer and actually have to think about all movement. It's exhausting somewhat but I like the challenge of devising different strategies for doing different things. It reminds me of flying in a way. I never realized how magnificant the brain is for allowing me to do the physical things I did before without great effort. Now I'm super thankful for each and every intricate movement my body does. Like it's a big deal for me to handwrite. Typing is sloth speed. Dressing is ridiculously slow. I freeze in my steps alot inside the house but outside I walk pretty normal. Balance sucks. I do qi gung and yoga for that. Weights help alot. Yep, I'm reaady for meds alright !

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Cockpit Voice Recorder

Here is the transcript from the voice recorder from the Hudson River Crash starting after the bird strikes.
PIC is a Pilot in Command, SIC is Second in Command, you all know who Sully is.

SIC: "Number two's gone, boss."

Sully: "I know it! What do I look like, an R-22 pilot (that's a baby helicopter a real egg beater)? Just shut the f*cker down, boy. Oh, and tell Departure that we need to come back in and land. F*cking birds..."

SIC: "Sheesh, somebody got up on the wrong side of his throne this morning. You don't have to insult me just because I got my commercial helicopter rating in the mighty Robinson. Oh, and by the way, sir, we're not climbing, if you even care. Maybe your decision to take on that extra 5,000 pounds of fuel wasn't so hot, Captain."

Sully: "One more comment like that and I'll make sure the union keeps you in RJ's for the rest of your miserable, short career."

Sully: "SON OF A BITCH!"

SIC: "Number one's failing, boss."

Sully: "I can see that! Am I a-f*cking-sleep? Can I not read the gauges? Am I not flying the plane here?"

SIC: "I'm just sayin'..."

Sully: "Goddamn Canadians, sending their f*cking geese down here every winter. Why, if I ever *see* another Canadian I'm gonna punch him right in the throat. I *HATE* Canadians."

SIC: "Everybody does, boss. Think we can make Teterboro or straight-in to 22 at Newark?"

Sully: "Yeah, probably. But f*ck Teterboro! Let's go to Newark. I've flown out of Teterboro. Short damn runways...always a crosswind. And their FBO's suck. I'd rather land in the Hudson f*cking river than land at Teterboro. Hey...."

SIC: "You're not..."

Sully: "Why not? Maybe we can take out some sailboats with some prick Canadian snowbirds."

SIC: "You ever land on the water before?"

Sully: "Plenty of times! I got my seaplane rating back in 1946. I think it was in a...Piper...somethingoranother, I forget. Never mind. It'll all come back to me. Pull out the Before Water Landing checklist and run it."

SIC: (flipping through the stack of checklists) "Can't seem to find one for that."

Sully: "Fooled ya! HAH! There ain't one! Just get on the horn and tell the people to put their heads between their legs and wait, that won't sound good on on the CVR tape...make it, 'brace for collision' wait, make it 'brace for impact.' Yeah, that's better. No wait! Tell them that out the left side of the plane they can see theIntrepid Museum, and that if they'd like to visit it, they'll be able to, this afternoon, like, in about twenty minutes. Oh, and ring the stews and have them bring me a rum and coke. If I'm gonna do this, I need a good stiff drink. And have that one with the big tits bring it up. If I'm gonna die, I wanna die drunk and with a boner."

SIC: "Like your grandfather did?"

Sully: "This is no time to make jokes, son. I would really appreciate it if you'd try to take this situation seriously. I'm fairly certain that my grandfather did not die with a boner. I mean, have you ever met my grandmother?"

SIC: "You know, if you pull this off CNN will be calling you the Hero Pilot of the Year."

Sully: "F*ck CNN. Liberal bastards. All I care about is what the fair-and-balanced Fox News will call me. I hope Fox News calls me a hero!"

SIC: (sighing) "They probably will too. Nobody will remember *my* name. It'll be 'Sully this'...and, 'Sully that.' 'Captain Sully, the big f*cking hero.' Like you are the only f*cking one in the cockpit."

Sully: "You're quite bitter. You really are a helicopter pilot at heart, aren't you? You know, some pilots wait their whole career to be called a hero. I mean, Christ, I've only got two years to go to retirement. That was close!"

SIC: "We're not down yet, Captain Skygod."

Sully: "I know, this thing glides pretty well, huh? Dammit, no sailboats. Oh well, let's see if we can buzz one of those damn sightseeing helicopters. What's best-glide/engines out?"

SIC: "Beats the shit outta me."

Sully: "Vref?"

SIC: "F*ck if I know."

Sully: "Britney Spears' birthday?"

SIC: "December 2, 1981."

Sully: "Well, I'm glad you know SOMETHING! Just gimme full flaps..."


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Orchid Favorite Image

A couple of Years ago I received a beautiful orchid plant from m brother and Gordon for my birthday. I couldn't stop photographing it. A black and white version of a bloom revealed a likeness to a baby bird head emerging. I sent the pic to my friend Akiko and she sent me a great site for orchids. The proper name for the bird head is anther cap. Underneath this cap is the female reproductive parts of the bloom.