Saturday, August 10, 2013

FOr Those Who Have Trouble Moving.........

A good friend sent this to me and I thought I'd post it.  I've been doing origami for almost 8 months and notice I fold best when my med enhances movement.  I can also fold when the side effects are kicking in but way slower and it feels like I have two left hands full of fingers that my brain can't coordinate.  Yes it can slightly frustrate but I just go with it, unwillingly of course, and put it down a bit until next time. 
Paul Smith is a typewriter artist with a serious movement disorder and I want you to see his work and the two videos on this site about him.  It is way awesome.  I will get frustrated less after watching and reading about Paul Smith may he RIP.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Baby Elephant Navann's Outing

This will get your happy neuro transmitters going..........

Friday, August 2, 2013

Richie Parker: Drive

Healing video about Ritchie Parker.  Do you dwell on what you can not do? 

Do What You Can Do

Fighting Parkinson’s, and doing what you can do Posted on August 2, 2013 by Howard Over the last couple of weeks, I have been discussing with people in coaching sessions about a renewed focus. My experience with Parkinson’s was that as my body was ready to be recovered, it was equally important for my mind and spirit to allow the recovery. I needed to release my mind from thinking about what I could not do anymore, and I needed to open my heart to get the dopamine flowing so my pre-Parkinson’s movement could return. I have told people to do what they can do, give thanks and gratitude for the ability to do those things, and to not dwell on what they cannot do. Some of you are having difficulty envisioning your recovery because you are looking at your current physical state and reviewing your mental list of all the things you cannot do as a result of your Parkinson’s. If you maintain that state of mind, even with healing yourself from deep inside, your mind will not release your body to move and your heart will not open to allow your dopamine to flow to support your movement — your self-fulfilling prophecy becomes “what you cannot do.” You need to change your focus. You need to do all of the things that you physically can do, and in each moment of doing, give thanks and gratitude for the ability to do those things. You will be surprised when you release your mind and open your heart how many things on the “what you cannot do” list become things you find yourself doing without even thinking about them. A calm mind with and attitude of gratitude goes a long way in your recovery. At the conclusion of this discussion on a coaching Skype yesterday, the person told me she was going to send me a video of an individual who embodied the concept of doing what you can do and not looking at what you think you cannot do. I am so inspired, I feel compelled to share it with you: