Sunday, June 23, 2013

What Is Gluten Ataxia?

Gluten Ataxia is worth thinking about in that it is a newer thing than Celiac that needs more study.  It bothers me that it causes some symptoms very similar to Parkinsons.  I'm not saying I think it's a factor in PD but gosh eveything is so closely tied in our bodies and food is the most often assimilated thing we dump into  it that maybe PD is a spectrum of Gluten Ataxia.

" Likewise, some people experience an alarming loss of coordination when they eat gluten. This neurological disorder is called gluten ataxia, and many neurologists believe that anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease ought to be evaluated for gluten ataxia. As with DH, people who suffer with gluten ataxia may not have celiac disease, but adherence to a gluten-free diet helps to relieve gluten ataxia."  This is a quote from a blog called " A Fork In The Road" 

I just love the internet don't you?

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