Been on a new med since Mar. 2010 called Stalevo and also Paxil. The improvements are significant although cannot be expected to be perfect restoration to the way I used to move. Together with symptom management through daily different execises and food I can be grateful for these wonderful improvements. Im light hiking now,jumping,vacumning,doing food preparation more,visiting people,places and things again,driving my little red stick shift car again,dressing with almost normal effort,I can make the bed again,carry two objects at once,walk in a crowd of people without freezing,taking a shower with good balance, no holding on,shaving my legs in the shower again, geocaching,paralell parking, typing better, have less fatique,driving greater distances, reading a book with a steadier hand and the list goes on. In Mar 2010 I had to be wheelchaired from the Kaiser parking lot to the doctor's 4th story office. I hope for continued wellness. I have minor side effects from meds which are unusual but not uncomfortable. Timing and tweaking meds are ever evolving.
Great news! I wish you continued blessings. Take care, Rick
Thanks Rick !
Ive got to check your blog...been wondering how the Q-10 trials are working for you.
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